This is the most impressive festival, the 'Khuado Bawl' for Zomi and much meaningful for the whole native of them. There are two major cerebration in a year, 1@ Khuado Bawl (Khuado Pawi), 2@ Sialsaw (Lawm Annek) in Zomi and Native Zogam. This is similar to the Jews 'Sukkots'.
Khuado Bawl festival is including celebration; ritualism; feeding; cleanings; making fortune for the future; dancing and so forth; the way of celebrating and inclusions, and celebtrating durations are slightly different from one place to another.
Native Zomi(s) enjoy the festival of 'Khuado Bawl' in the full moon of 'KauKha'(October) nowadays. In ancient times, Khuado Bawl is the celebration of three dys continuous festival; Ancient native Zomi did hold it in 'Khuado Kha'(August) in case of having crops only from (zo lam) hilly yards, it means that they habitually did not farm rice in lower places that is reaping in the month of October(Kau Kha)each and every year.